Friday, October 2, 2009

The Green Library Movement: an overview and beyond

Source: Antonelli, Monika. “The Green Library Movement: an overview and beyond” Electronic Green Journal vol. 1, issue : 2008.


The article started with a basic definition of what is green and the meaning of sustainable. Various related-literatures about the topic were also presented as well as a detailed definition of Green Libraries. Also discussed in the article is the importance of building a green library. Several green library programs were enumerated as well as different green library associations. Lastly, future steps on greening the library were presented and a call for action was discussed.

3 Things That I Learned:

1. Building a green library is actually affordable and could be done using conventional budgets.
2. Through this article I learned a very detailed definition of Green Library.
3. Simple use of environmentally friendly cleaning products in your library is one step towards going green.


At this modern age where environmental challenges such as energy depletion, climate change, and global warming are rapidly ascending and doing damage, it is very important that various institutions in this case the library make proper steps and decisions to help lessen the effects of this environmental challenges. The future is really about “going green”, and together with other librarians and libraries as well as cities, towns, colleges, university campuses, students, and other individuals we should all commit in supporting this great environmental cause.

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